Introducing the New Me!

Hi there everyone. Last month I started studying a course in Digital Marketing and I’m learning a lot of new things which I feel stupid for not knowing. There are so many cool tools out there that I feel can make my life easier. Since my last post on here, I feel like I’m a totally different person. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not this brand new person with everything sorted out but now that I have done some changes to how I look which helped me feel more comfortable with myself.

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Surprise! I’ve got purple hair now and more tattoos. I’ve always wanted to dye my hair purple and now that I’ve finally done I never want to go back to how it was before. I can’t even imagine myself with brown hair again. It’s been ages since I’ve had my natural hair and sometimes I do wonder if the hassle of managing dyed hair is worth it but when I look at photos like this and see the smile on my face, I know it’s worth it.

This month, I’ve found myself in a reading slump. My goal for 2023 was to read 5 books a month. It’s almost the end of February and I’m still on my 3rd book of the month. I have no idea what’s going on with me. I have this drive to read but when I sit down and grab a book it’s like my brain cannot focus and has this fogginess to it.

Something that I’m trying to do to help me read a bit more, is to pick up short books or poetry books as these are easy to get through and I find that it motivates me to keep reading more when I see the end of the book is getting closer. So, my plan for February is to reach the minimum number of 5 and then in March I’ll try to manage my time more and get my motivation up so that I can enjoy reading like I used to.

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